
未发行硬币的项目盘点:Debox、Space Nation、Merlin、simsports、Backpack、Friend tech、Element。

Time:2024-02-26 Click:115

Let’s sort out the projects I’m involved in that haven’t issued coins yet.1. Debox: social category, raised 25 million US dollars. Recently there is a buyback plan for vdbx and nft. The current off-site price is about 0.2u, and it is expected to be available this year.2. Space Nation: Game, raised 50 million U.S. dollars. It is undergoing internal testing in the first quarter and is expected to be launched in the first half of the year.3. Merlin: l2, now tvl is 2 billion US dollars, it is still rising every day, and coins will be issued in March4. simsports: game, wemade investment, the amount has not been disclosed, has been tested twice, and is waiting for internal testing and public testing. I don’t know if there will be a chance to participate this year.5. Backpack: cex, I don’t know when it will be released6. Friend tech: Social networking. Yesterday, an official tweet came out and sent an ambiguous message. I don’t know when it will be posted.7. Element: nft platform. Mr. Wang issued a document today to transfer all the equity of Element to Linekong Interactive for free. Linekong Interactive’s stock has risen a lot. I don’t know when it will be listed.

标签:space 发行 项目 SPACE

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