

Time:2024-06-26 Click:120


在迪拜的 Newconomics 活动上,对 Animoca Brands 代币经济学主管进行了采访,他以独特的见解强调了 Web3 中的新兴技术、区块链进步和代币经济学创新,强调了社区驱动的成功以及可替代和不可替代代币的融合。



Mohamed Ezeldin 对代币经济学的见解

NFT 的作用和比特币创新


作者:Hervé Larre


大家好!我是 Newconomics 播客平台的主持人 Hervé Larre。我刚刚在迪拜这座令人眼花缭乱的城市度过了令人兴奋的一周,让我告诉你,这次经历简直是一次变革。这一系列活动与 Newconomics 播客平台一起,一直是洞察力的灯塔,将全球专家聚集在一起,深入探讨新兴技术与新经济范式的融合,特别关注 Web3。




我在这里的亮点之一是与 Animoca Brands 代币经济学负责人 Mohamed Ezeldin 的深入交谈。他的旅程令人着迷,充满了加密货币世界的典型高潮和低谷。他从英国的一名高中教师开始,于 2017 年进入加密货币领域,亲身经历了市场的过山车。他的数学背景为他提供了独特的视角,使他能够深入设计有效的代币经济。快进到今天,他领导着 Animoca Brands 的代币经济学,这一角色将他的数学专业知识与他对教育的热情融为一体。


正如 Mohamed 所描述的,代币经济学就像一个洋葱——它有很多层,每一层都代表着代币经济的不同方面。从与各种利益相关者打交道到构思新的代币发行,他的日常工作涉及顾问角色和团队管理。他工作的一个关键部分是了解每个项目的生态系统,确定单代币或双代币系统是否合适,并就发行的最佳区块链提供建议。

NFT 在代币经济学中的作用

Integrating NFTs into the broader tokenomics framework is another intriguing layer. NFTs are not just digital assets; they are becoming integral to how communities interact within the Web3 space. While the cryptocurrency community primarily focuses on fungible tokens, the NFT community revolves around unique digital collectibles. Innovations like DN404 or ERC404, which blend fungible and non-fungible characteristics, hint at a future where these communities will converge.

The Revival of Bitcoin: Ordinals, BRC-20, and Other Innovations

No conversation about this space would be complete without discussing Bitcoin’s evolution. Over the past year, terms like ordinals and BRC-20 have emerged, indicating significant innovation on the Bitcoin blockchain. This evolution opens new pathways for mass adoption, particularly in regions where holding Bitcoin is one of the few viable financial options. Animoca Brands has made significant strides in this area, launching initiatives like the Opal Foundation and the upcoming bit.life token, aimed at unifying disparate communities and establishing Bitcoin’s foundational value.

Lessons from The Sandbox to Bitcoin

Comparing Animoca’s experience with The Sandbox (Ethereum-based) to their new ventures on Bitcoin can reveal valuable insights. While The Sandbox has created a unique ecosystem within Ethereum, the bit.life ecosystem aims to be more outward-facing, integrating various technologies and communities under the umbrella of the Opal Foundation. This approach promises to deliver a richer, more interconnected digital life experience, extending beyond traditional gaming into broader community engagement.

The Power of Community and Utility

A recurring theme in our discussions was the importance of community in driving the success of any token. Whether it’s meme coins or utility-focused tokens, the narrative and community behind them play a crucial role. For example, meme coins thrive on cultural relevance and community-driven narratives, often leading to explosive growth despite lacking intrinsic utility. Conversely, tokens with solid utility prospects are seen as key to long-term sustainability and mass adoption, especially as the market shifts from speculation to real-world use cases.

Embracing MEME Coins and Cultural Tokens

Speaking of meme coins, their cultural impact cannot be underestimated. They represent a vibrant, rapidly evolving area of the cryptocurrency market, where narrative and community engagement drive value. While some may view them as frivolous, they demonstrate the power of collective belief and the potential of decentralized culture. Mohamed expressed his appreciation for meme coins, not as financial investments per se, but as cultural phenomena that bring communities together.

The Future of Digital Life

展望未来,像 Opal 基金会对 bit.life 的愿景这样的数字生活生态系统的潜力令人难以置信。这些生态系统承诺提供多方面的体验,从游戏和内容创作到社区建设和价值创造。整合不同的发布合作伙伴(从游戏公司到钱包提供商),将创建一个动态、互联的网络,用户可以在其中找到自己的位置并蓬勃发展。


就个人而言,穆罕默德分享了他最喜欢的一些书籍和游戏。作为一名穆斯林,《古兰经》因其指导和故事而占有特殊地位。他还喜欢比尔·布莱森的《万物简史》,这本书每次阅读都会带来新的见解。至于电子游戏,他是 FIFA 的忠实粉丝,这反映了他对足球的热爱(真正的足球,不是美式足球!)。


总而言之,我在迪拜的这一周是一次令人大开眼界的旅程,让我们得以一窥区块链和新经济的未来。Web3 领域内技术、社区和文化的融合正在为新的数字时代铺平道路。无论您是经验丰富的加密爱好者还是刚刚开始您的旅程,这些活动中的创新和见解都是无价的。随着我们继续探索和塑造数字经济的未来,请继续关注 Newconomics 播客以获取更多更新!


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