Time:2024-02-02 Click:141
1月31日,Tether Holdings Limited(BVI)发布了由全球知名独立审计公司BDO出具的2023年第四季度认证报告。该报告强调了 Tether 综合储备报告(CRR)的准确性,并提供了截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日该集团持仓的详细细目。
财务表现方面,第四季度净利润达到创纪录的28.5亿美元,其中约10亿美元为净利润(主要来自美国国债利息),其余主要来自黄金和比特币储备的升值。超额准备金增加22亿美元,总计54亿美元,创历史新高,剩余6.4亿美元投资于各种战略项目(如采矿、人工智能基础设施、P2P电信等)。已确认,这些投资仍在综合储备报告之外,并在新的独立风险投资保护伞内,因此这些投资不会也不会对代币储备产生任何影响。截至年底,以 BDO 证书中确定的高流动性资产担保的未偿还担保贷款已完全由称为超额准备金的未分配累计利润覆盖(担保贷款 48 亿美元,超额准备金 54 亿美元)。
Tether 自豪地宣布,它已经实现了消除其代币储备中的担保贷款风险的目标。尽管超额抵押对于此类担保贷款来说很常见,但 Tether 已经积累了足够的超额准备金来覆盖所有风险敞口。这是为了回应社区过去对这部分投资组合表达的担忧。
Tether 还继续获得所有资产类别的积极贡献,尤其是黄金、比特币和其他投资。该集团直接和间接持有美国国债均创下历史新高,达到803亿美元(间接持有的计算包括美国国债担保的隔夜逆回购和投资美国国债的货币市场基金)。
根据其对透明度和稳定性的承诺,Tether 发行了由现金和现金等价物支持的代币,发行量达到了令人印象深刻的 90%,突显了其维持稳定币生态系统流动性的决心。
综合储备报告(CRR)重申了 Tether 强劲的财务状况,合并资产超过合并负债。
The group’s total consolidated assets are at least US$97,020,394,556;
The Group’s total consolidated liabilities were US$91,597,732,663, of which US$91,572,956,801 related to the issued digital tokens;
The Group's consolidated assets exceed its consolidated liabilities;
The Tether Group does not consider its investments in sustainable energy, Bitcoin mining, data, artificial intelligence infrastructure, P2P telecommunications technology and other long-term proprietary investments as part of the reserves backing issued tokens. In the fourth quarter of 2023, investments in these areas reached $642,551,135 ($1,452,205,608 since the beginning of the year).
The chart below shows that as of December 31, 2023, Tether has accumulated US$5.4 billion in excess reserves, fully covering approximately US$4.8 billion in outstanding secured loans in US dollar reserves.
The chart below shows the growth of U.S. Treasuries and cash and cash equivalents versus total Tether tokens in circulation.
Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, emphasized: “Tether’s fourth quarter certification underlines our commitment to transparency, stability and responsible financial management. The highest proportion of cash and cash equivalent reserves reflects our commitment to liquidity and Commitment to stability. We generated significant net profits of up to $6.2 billion not only in the last quarter of the year, but also throughout the year, which fully demonstrated our financial strength. In addition, we have strong achievements in sustainable energy, Bitcoin mining , data, artificial intelligence infrastructure and P2P telecommunications technology, also demonstrate our commitment to a more sustainable and inclusive financial future."