Time:2024-01-24 Click:154
深陷洗钱嫌疑! ACE交易所负责人宣布禁止访问,律师事务所紧急断绝联系
事件发生后,交易所现任总裁兼负责人王晨欢立即坚称自己对此事毫不知情。 不过,23日,台北地检署在其家中搜出4700万现金,指控其洗钱及诈骗罪。 禁止欺凌等犯罪行为。 王晨欢具有法律背景,同时担任建业律师事务所主任。 该律师事务所立即发表声明,与他断绝联系,并解除他的董事职务。
️延伸阅读:ACE前掌门人涉嫌诈骗,3年诈骗10亿! 用合法交易所掩护“垃圾币”,受害者可填写表格协助调查
建业律师事务所紧急断供! 王辰焕家中搜出4700万现金
ACE交易所现任负责人王晨欢具有法律背景。 毕业于台湾大学法律系及台湾大学法律研究所。 他将于2022年出任江业律师事务所主任,并于2023年9月起正式接任ACE交易所的领导权。
此次,台北地检署共拘捕5名被告,其中包括交易所负责人王晨欢、谎称“垃圾币”将在ProEX、ProEX等国内外交易所上市的李琳达等。 ACE及负责相关业务的ACE员工高伟伦,以及同案犯林耕洪的好友林淑芬、谢世英。
The police conducted the second wave of raids yesterday and seized 47 million in cash from Wang Chenhuan's home. They also seized a McLaren 720S sports car worth 18 million from the home of another suspect's girlfriend. The total amount seized was more than 66 million yuan, including 180 million yuan in cryptocurrency, which were handed over to the authorities in accordance with the law after the investigation.
After Wang Chenhuan and others arrived at the case, they firmly denied being involved in the case. They also claimed that they borrowed the seized stolen money from friends, but were unable to explain the source of the cash.
At the beginning of the year, after the former person in charge, Pan Yizhang, was detained, Wang Chenhuan apologized for the incident as the person in charge of ACE, and stated that he was unaware of the details of the illegal projects. Now that he is under suspicion of fraud and has been arrested, his words at the time may not be consistent with the facts.
Wang Chenhuan once apologized for this incident as the person in charge of ACE, and stated that he was unaware of the details of the illegal project. Now that he is under suspicion of fraud and has been arrested, his words at the time may not be consistent with the facts.
Jianye Law Firm, to which Wang Chenhuan belongs, has its office located in Taipei 101. It has been established for more than 50 years. It also has branches in Taichung and Bangkok and is well-known in the country. After Wang Chenhuan was detained and banned, the firm immediately issued a statement to cut him off and stated that lawyer Jin Yuying would be the director in the future.
Jianye Law Firm declares as follows:
Regarding the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office in Taiwan’s application to detain the current person in charge of Ace Digital Innovation Co., Ltd., that is, lawyer Wang Chenhuan, the director of our firm. After investigation, Ace Digital Innovation Co., Ltd. is the personal external investment affairs of lawyer Wang Chenhuan and has nothing to do with the firm. The firm is currently operating normally and continues to provide various legal services.We would like to declare that Attorney Jin Yuying will serve as the director of our firm from now on.
ACE official response: fully cooperate with the judicial authorities in the investigation
The former and current persons in charge have been involved in money laundering suspicions one after another. ACE Exchange issued an emergency statement stating that it will act in accordance with the law for any suspected illegal incidents and fully cooperate with the judicial authorities in investigations to clarify the truth. At the same time, we also call on the public to avoid false speculation and misinformation before the facts are known to avoid unnecessary social impact.
不过,在前掌门人潘一章卷入诈骗事件后,ACE交易所也立即发表声明,并强调2023年新上任的总裁王晨欢将致力于合法合规,保护用户资产安全。 现在还不到一个月之内他被打脸的时间。
ACE当时也多次强调,被拘留的相关人员均不是ACE员工,只是作证和协助调查。 现在负责人王陈焕也被拘留,不准见公司,令人十分难过。
加密货币协会筹备组也表示,这些违规行为凸显了行业标准的重要性,协会未来有责任制定《自律规范》,并应解决预售承销、初始兑换等问题。尽快公布货币发行、上市和退市等细节。 建立行业标准,避免类似纠纷再次发生。
更多报道 ACE前掌门人涉嫌诈骗,3年骗走10亿! 用合法交易所掩护“垃圾币”,受害者可以填写表格协助调查 OKX平台币崩盘50%! 官方将全额赔偿损失。 难道是巨鲸惹祸了?