Time:2024-01-03 Click:169
2024 年 1 月 22 日 00:00(UTC)
对于符合计划标准的用户, Maker 费用返利将于
2024 年 1 月 30 日 04:00(UTC)
等级 | 每周 币 -M期货庄家成交量百分比 | 和/或 | 每周 币 -M期货做市商交易量百分比(不包括BTC和ETH货币对) | 和/或 | 报价排名 | Coin-M 期货的 Maker 费用 | Coin -M 期货 的接受者费用 |
常规的 | 1.0% | 和 | 0.8% | 和 | 低于前 50% | 根据用户 VIP 级别收取标准挂单费用 | 根据用户 VIP 级别收取标准接受者费用 |
1 | ≥1.0% | 或者 | ≥0.8% | 或者 | 前 30 - 50%(不包括前 30%) | -0.005% | |
2 | ≥2.0% | 或者 | ≥1.5% | 或者 | 前 15 - 30%(不包括前 15%) | -0.008% | |
3 | ≥3.0% | 或者 | ≥2.5% | 或者 | 前 15% | -0.015% |
成功的申请者将有资格享受三周的宽限期,在此期间他们将获得第 3 级制造商费用回扣,并免除每周审核。
要申请此计划,请向 提供您的交易量证明,或联系您的 销售或大客户覆盖经理 。
选项 A :根据每周 Coin-M 期货制造商交易量超过 Binance Coin-M 期货制造商总交易量来获得资格
每周 Coin-M 期货做市商成交量百分比 =(Coin-M 期货做市商本周成交量 / 币安 Coin-M 期货做市商本周总成交量)* 100%
每周结束时,将计算每位参与者的每周 Coin-M 期货庄家成交量百分比,对于每周 Coin-M 期货庄家成交量百分比等于 或高于 1.0% 的符合资格的参与者,将获得庄家手续费返还
选项 B :根据每周 Coin-M 期货制造商交易量(不包括 BTC 和 ETH 对)除以币安 Coin-M 期货制造商总交易量(不包括 BTC 和 ETH 对)来获得资格
每周 Coin-M 期货做市商成交量百分比(不包括 BTC 和 ETH 对)=(Coin-M 期货做市商本周成交量(不包括 BTC 和 ETH 对)/ 币安 Coin-M 期货做市商本周总成交量(不包括 BTC 和 ETH)对)) * 100%
At the end of each week, the weekly Coin-M futures maker volume percentage (excluding BTC and ETH pairs) for each participant will be calculated, and maker fee rebates are awarded to eligible participants whose weekly Coin-M futures maker volume percentage (excluding BTC and ETH pairs) is equal to or above 0.8%.
Option C: To qualify by quoting ranking
All liquidity providers will be ranked by their weekly maker score every week. Those who score above zero are ranked.
Weekly maker score = Sum of all seven daily maker scores over the week.
Daily maker score = Sum of maker scores on each pair (i.e., maker volume * qualified percentage * pair weight).
At the end of each week, participants are ranked by their weekly maker scores, and maker fee rebates are awarded to the top 50% of all participating liquidity providers whose score is above zero.
Binance will provide daily and weekly reports to each participating liquidity provider, with details on their respective performances.
Liquidity providers will be reviewed on a weekly basis (Monday 00:00 UTC to Sunday 23:59 UTC).
Maker fee rebates are paid immediately upon trade execution. Liquidity providers’ eligibility to receive maker fee rebates is reviewed and adjusted once a week based on the previous week's performance on all qualified pairs.
Fee tier adjustments are automatically updated every Tuesday at around 04:00 (UTC).
Participants with unqualified weekly results for three consecutive weeks will receive notification emails for two weeks. If no improvements are observed, the account will be removed from the program. Liquidity providers are able to reapply to the program one month after their access to the program has expired.
Successful new applicants to the program will enjoy Tier 3 maker fee rebates for Coin-M futures (i.e., 0.015%) during the three-week grace period. This is consistent with the fee settings prior to the update.
From the fourth week, only new participants who show qualified performance in the third week of the three-week grace period will enjoy maker fee rebates according to the aforementioned program structure.
Participants who join the program for more than three weeks will have their fee settings updated each Tuesday around 04:00 (UTC) based on the previous week’s performance.
The program’s main goal is to provide liquidity and depth to the Binance Coin-Margined futures market. Binance will review the effectiveness of this program regularly. The program requirements will be adjusted periodically as new pairs are added and as market conditions change. Binance will, on a best efforts basis, provide one week’s notice before introducing any new changes to the program. However, where this is not practicable, Binance reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, make changes without prior notice.
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