
"nChain's Christine Leong on Digital Identity in Web3 - CoinGeek Backstage Interview"

浏览:64|时间:2024-03-11 13:05:30
Digital identity is the foundation of Web3, Christine Leong believes. The nChain CIO was at GITEX Global in Dubai, where shedelivered a presentationon digital identity;CoinGeek Backstagecaught up with her to discuss how nChain is ushering in the era of Web3. width="562" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">“My presentation was about the importance of owning your data and what blockchain can do in transforming Web3…how blockchain unlocks Web3 use cases such as gaming and so on,” she said.Data has become increasingly important and valuable as the world has evolved to become more digital. This makes owning one’s data critical; once you own it, you have the freedom to choose what to share and with whom and the opportunity to monetize it. According to Leong, none of this is possible withoutdigital identity.“The only way you can [own and manage your data] is with a robust digital identity,” Leong told CoinGeek Backstage.Digital identity is only possible when it’s provably secure and the user has complete control over their data, “and it’s only truly enabled throughblockchain technology.”Leong has been attendingGITEX conferencesfor over two decades, and she described it as “a hub of all technology organizations.” At the event, she led thenChaindelegation that interacted with its partners and potential new clients while learning about significant developments in other fields.Onwhat the future holds for nChain, Leong revealed that the blockchain firm is focused on buildingTeranodealongside the BSV Association. As CoinGeekreported, the BSV Association launched technical testing for Teranode last month. With Teranode, BSV blockchain will be able to process up to 1.1 million transactions per second, making it the world’s most efficient network.Aside from building Teranode, nChain’s ongoing projects include digital identity solutions for its clients and on-chain document signing, Leong added.Watch: Digital identity for digital Philippines—here are some use cases width="562" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.


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