
[喜悦]Vitalik Buterin 庆祝生日:“我的童年结束了”

浏览:148|时间:2024-02-01 11:33:19



P.S. Two more years to the big... pic.twitter.com/E0MtJfglnw

— dima.eth (@dimabuterin) January 31, 2024

The Birth Of A New Crypto Space

Vitalik Buterin addressed his view on the changes the crypto space has undergone since its birth in 2008. In the last fifteen years, “the broader public discourse as a whole seems to have to a large extent moved beyond caring about money and banks,” he said, later wondering if the “original ‘story’ of crypto” is falling further behind the times.

Buterin addressed this concern by proposing two “sensible responses to this conundrum.” He believes the ecosystem would benefit from, first, “reminding people that money and finance still do matter,” and second, “extending beyond finance, and use our technology to build a more holistic version of an alternative, more free and open and democratic tech stack.”

Buterin emphasized crypto’s advantage over other industries as “one of the few tech industries that is genuinely highly decentralized, with developers spread out all over the globe.” This advantage offers the opportunity to help solve sustainably the ever-present problem that many people still face in accessing money and finance around the globe.

Rather than just focusing on money, or being an “internet of value”, I argued that the Ethereum community should expand its horizons.

According to Buterin, a more trustworthy, democratic, and decentralized tech stack would help evolve the crypto space to properly address the concerns and needs of the 21st century, allowing crypto to be part of a broader technology-driven story instead of “just a finance story.”

Vitalik Buterin concluded his birthday post by reflecting on the ever-changing nature of the world and the ‘rebirth’ of his role in the crypto space:

对我来说,2023 年是见证许多大大小小的事物逐渐消失在时间远方的一年。




截至撰写本文时,以太坊交易价格为 2,300 美元。



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