3月4日信息,游戏开发商 Turnt Gaming 公布进行 430 万美金融资,这轮融资由 Polygon Studios 领投,AU21 Capital、GenBlock Capital 和 Shima Capital 等参投。 本轮融资将用以加快发布与 Polygon Studios 和 Esports Technologies 联合开发的 NFT 链游 Taunt Battleworld,该游戏是一款根据专业技能的混合格斗游戏模拟器。
According to Odaily, Bitcoin experienced a slight increase in value today, yet it continues to trade below the...
You bought a bunch of and went back to your hometown in embarrassment. The village chief said you were in the...
揭开比特币减半历史的秘密 见证减半后的惊人转变 让我们深入了解: 2012 年 BTC 减半:初始价格: 182 美元减半后飙升: 一年内飙升至 510 美元。为 2024 年的下一个大动作做好准备。...
Wang Xiaozhang, KOL1. Consequences of not liking to use stop loss when placing orders:In fact, no one is willi...