Time:2024-12-10 Click:564
据 CoinDesk 报道,阿布扎比第一银行 (FAB) 已与 Libre Capital 签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU)。Libre Capital 是一家代币化专家,由 Brevan Howard 的 WebN Group 和野村证券的 Laser Digital 提供支持。此次合作旨在促进使用现实世界资产 (RWA) 代币的基于区块链的抵押贷款。自 3 月推出以来,Libre 已发行了约 1.5 亿美元的 Brevan Howard 基金、Hamilton Lane 的固定收益产品和贝莱德货币市场基金的代币化版本。根据谅解备忘录,FAB 正在试行一项信贷额度,让获准的贷方提供稳定币贷款,并使用这些 Libre 发行的代币作为抵押品。
The initiative allows holders of various crypto assets to use their tokens as collateral for borrowing. Libre, which had previously suggested using its blue-chip RWA tokens as collateral on a MakerDAO forum, has now involved a $335 billion bank in this venture. FAB will manage liquidity by providing lending credit lines on Libre’s assets across public blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, NEAR, Aptos, and Coinbase’s layer 2 network BASE. This collateralized lending service is part of Libre’s “Project HODL,” which stands for High-Yield Optimized Decentralized Liquidity. Dr. Avtar Sehra, founder and CEO of Libre, explained that the project focuses on adding utility to their assets under management (AUM) through collateralized lending. The lending is conducted entirely in stablecoins, facilitated by existing lenders like broker-dealers or Laser Digital, with credit lines now being extended by providers such as FAB.
在阿联酋签署谅解备忘录期间,FAB 全球市场集团负责人 Sameh Al Qubaisi 强调了该银行致力于促进该地区的创新。他表示,通过这一举措,FAB 旨在实现由代币化资产支持的安全信贷服务,并通过自动化流程确保强大的风险管理和完全的监管合规性。此次合作凸显了 FAB 致力于推进金融技术并探索数字资产领域新途径的承诺。