Time:2024-09-10 Click:461
2023 年加密相关欺诈飙升 45%,造成 56 亿美元损失
美国联邦调查局 (FBI) 报告称,2023 年加密货币相关欺诈行为激增 45%,损失高达 56 亿美元。
据美国联邦调查局互联网犯罪投诉中心 (IC3) 称,这一增长是由于人们对比特币等数字资产的兴趣重新燃起,比特币的价值飙升,去年增长了一倍多。
与加密货币欺诈相关的投诉数量达到近 69,500 起,这反映出犯罪分子如何利用加密交易的快速、不可逆的特性来剥削毫无戒心的受害者。
虽然与加密相关的投诉仅占所有金融欺诈报告的 10%,但却占总金钱损失的近 50%,凸显了这些骗局造成的巨大财务影响。
正如 IC3 在其报告中指出的那样,加密货币的去中心化特性及其快速的全球转移能力使得被盗资金的追回极具挑战性。
投资欺诈继续占据加密货币相关犯罪的主导地位,占 2023 年向 FBI 报告的所有损失的 71%。
仅加密相关投资骗局造成的损失就激增了 53%,到 2023 年达到近 39.6 亿美元。
正如 FBI 报告所述,
The FBI report revealed that individuals over 60 were among the most frequently targeted by scammers, with losses totaling over $1.6 billion in this demographic alone.
This age group often lacks the technical proficiency to navigate the complex and fast-moving world of cryptocurrencies, making them prime targets for fraudulent schemes.
Many older victims fell prey to confidence schemes, where scammers posed as trusted individuals or entities offering investment advice.
These fraudsters often used social engineering tactics to build trust before draining victims’ funds.
In some cases, victims had no idea they had been defrauded until much later.
James Barnacle, Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division, remarked on the situation,
“When notifying fraud victims, 75% were unaware they had already been targeted.”
Call Center Scams and Crypto ATMs Amplify Losses
Beyond investment scams, call centre frauds, including government impersonation schemes, accounted for approximately 10% of cryptocurrency-related losses.
These scams, often operating out of overseas call centres, use fear and intimidation tactics, such as posing as government officials, to coerce victims into transferring funds via cryptocurrency.
The FBI report also highlighted the alarming rise in fraud associated with crypto ATMs.
These machines, which allow users to exchange cash for cryptocurrencies anonymously, have become a significant tool for scammers.
In 2023 alone, there were over 5,500 complaints related to fraudulent transactions through crypto ATMs, resulting in losses of more than $189 million.
A two-way Bitcoin ATM that enables users to seamlessly buy or sell bitcoins with cash
Scammers use these kiosks to perpetrate various schemes, including customer service fraud, extortion, and romance scams.
Due to the anonymity of these transactions, recovering funds lost through crypto ATMs remains extremely difficult, with Barnacle adding that the chances of recovery are “slim.”
Global Reach of Crypto Scams and Emerging Threats
Crypto-related fraud is not confined to the US, with IC3 receiving complaints from over 200 countries in 2023.
However, a majority of cases were reported within the United States.
Fraudsters operating from jurisdictions with lax anti-money laundering laws pose a significant challenge for law enforcement, as they quickly transfer funds abroad, where US authorities struggle to track or retrieve the stolen assets.
Emerging fraudulent activities include play-to-earn scams and deceptive businesses that falsely claim to recover lost crypto assets.
Pig butchering schemes, which often involve labour trafficking, have also become a rising threat.
These scams see workers tricked into taking up positions abroad, often in call centres running complex confidence schemes targeting victims worldwide.
Calls for Tighter Regulation and Enhanced Public Awareness
As the cryptocurrency industry grows, so do the calls for more stringent regulatory oversight.
FBI 的报告最后发出了严厉警告: