
尼日利亚法院将币安高管的保释期限延长至 10 月

Time:2024-09-06 Click:672

尼日利亚法院将患病币安高管的保释期限推迟至 10 月

Bitfarms 在公开信中驳斥了 Riot Platforms 的“误导性言论”

首席财务官透露,卡马拉·哈里斯向 Coinbase 寻求加密货币竞选捐款

Penpie 利用重入攻击获利 2700 万美元

WazirX 黑客通过 Tornado Cash 洗钱 1000 万美元

尼日利亚法院将患病币安高管的保释期限推迟至 10 月

Bitfarms 在公开信中驳斥了 Riot Platforms 的“误导性言论”

首席财务官透露,卡马拉·哈里斯向 Coinbase 寻求加密货币竞选捐款

Penpie 利用重入攻击获利 2700 万美元

WazirX 黑客通过 Tornado Cash 洗钱 1000 万美元

尼日利亚法院将患病币安高管的保释期限推迟至 10 月

Bitfarms 在公开信中驳斥了 Riot Platforms 的“误导性言论”

首席财务官透露,卡马拉·哈里斯向 Coinbase 寻求加密货币竞选捐款

Penpie 利用重入攻击获利 2700 万美元

广告 ▸ 交易



发布时间:2024 年 9 月 5 日下午 6:00(UTC)






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在传统市场中,Citadel Securities、Virtu Financial 和 Jump Trading 是全球最受认可的做市商之一,尽管摩根士丹利是纳斯达克的做市商。



做市商作为项目顾问,协助项目启动。他们为关键领域的成功做出了贡献,例如稳健的代币经济和代币生成事件 (TGE) 的构建、成功的代币上市和融资。


Market sentiment and trends determine which strategies market makers will adopt. During an upward trend or bull market, they create FOMO (fear of missing out). In the bear market, they generate fear among traders to compel traders or hodlrs to dump their tokens.

The good and the bad

As with everything, across the crypto market, there are those market makers who only take tokens from startups and sell them, but others like Gotbit, for example, bring tremendous value to the project with which they work.

“Prominent projects have achieved success thanks to their teams and technology because they solve real-world problems and have great market makers behind them,” said Alex Andryunin, Gotbit CEO and Founder.

Great market makers, he added, “help with all areas of a project, including marketing, tokenomics design, business development, and token generation events, among other very critical areas,” Andryunin added.

The Gotbit CEO said ethical and well-intentioned market makers “help ensure the health of the crypto market, and by backing liquidity, reducing spreads, and ensuring fair markets, they help facilitate global tokenized economies.”

He said that for startups and projects, “market makers like us help projects thrive and achieve success for themselves and their communities. Through greater transparency, market makers help all market participants, particularly token issuers, make more informed decisions.”

Market makers shouldn’t directly influence the price of tokens because if they do, crypto exchange operators usually notice. This could lead them to restrict tokens from their platforms and report them to authorities, which could decide to cancel their licenses, Andryunin said.

“I’m not going to name and shame any of my competitors, but there are some out there that deliberately influence the price for their own profit, which is considered market manipulation, and that is illegal and punishable,” he said.

Andryunin said great market makers should refrain from cooperating with each other. “They have no right to do so. It is considered fraud, but also, and ultimately, it is not profitable financially.”

Alex Andryunin also clarified that wash trading should not be perceived as market-making. “Let me explain: WW is a manipulation technique where unethical traders try to drive up the price of a token by artificially increasing its trading volume. What wash traders do, which market makers do not, is send crypto among several wallet addresses they control to give the false impression of massive trading activity and demand.”

That said, certain firms pose as market makers but are not, as they buy, copy, or create software that essentially consists of wash-trading bots, Andryunin warned. “As a rule of thumb, hiring these types of market makers is a recipe for the collapse of any project.”




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