
WalletConnect:采访最著名的加密货币 OG 之一的首席执行官

Time:2024-07-22 Click:92

WALLETCONNECT采访最著名的<a title='注册送加密货币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/okex.php' target='_blank' class='f_d'>加密货币</a>OG之一的首席执行官

Cryptonomist 采访了 Jess Houlgrave,WalletConnect 的首席执行官,也是拥有十多年行业经验的加密行业资深人士。我们与她讨论了如何为加密行业资深人士和新手创造无缝体验对于吸引下一个 1 亿用户至关重要。

凭借您在加密行业的丰富经验,您认为阻碍下一个 1 亿用户采用加密货币的主要障碍是什么?


WalletConnect 如何为经验丰富的加密货币老手和新手创造无缝体验?您能分享旨在弥合这一差距的具体功能或举措吗?

WalletConnect 通过培育一个统一的生态系统,提高易用性和可访问性,使用户能够自信地参与去中心化网络,无论他们的经验水平如何。我们专注于互操作性,确保不同区块链之间的兼容性,使与去中心化应用程序的交互尽可能顺畅。我们通过不断扩大对各种钱包和 dApp 的支持来实现这一目标,包括确保它们与我们的网络无缝集成。凭借大量集成 WalletConnect 的 web3 应用程序和钱包,我们的平台有望成为新互联网的领先 UX 平台。

用户体验通常被认为是加密货币采用的主要障碍。您认为当前加密货币用户体验的哪些具体方面最需要改进?WalletConnect 如何解决这些问题?

改善加密用户体验是我们的首要任务。一个关键领域是围绕钱包设置和交易流程的复杂性。许多用户发现这些流程令人生畏且令人困惑,这阻碍了更广泛的采用。在 WalletConnect,我们致力于通过改进我们的用户界面来简化这些方面,使其更加直观和用户友好。通过降低复杂性并提高用户管理加密资产的透明度,我们的目标是让每个人都能与去中心化金融和应用程序进行交互。我们的解决方案之一是推出 WalletGuide,这是一项行业首创、以社区为中心的计划,旨在突出遵守最高用户体验和安全标准的数字钱包,为用户和开发人员提供在安全性、功能和质量方面表现出色的钱包的综合目录。

Security is a major concern for both new and experienced crypto users. How does WalletConnect ensure the security of transactions and user data while maintaining ease of use?

We take an exhaustive approach to ensure that every transaction and interaction through WalletConnect is secure and trustworthy. This includes implementing robust end-to-end encryption protocols, conducting thorough and frequent audits of our protocols, and maintaining close collaboration with top-tier security experts. Our commitment to security is complemented by a seamlessly-integrated user experience that provides peace of mind for both new and experienced users navigating the decentralized ecosystem. Specifically, features like Swaps enable users to swap tokens seamlessly and securely in just a few clicks.

Education plays a crucial role in onboarding new users to the crypto space. What educational resources or programs does WalletConnect provide to help new users understand and navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency?

WalletConnect has worked hard to develop research reports, such as the WalletConnect Pulse, which breaks down the trends of what crypto consumers desire from blockchain technology overall. One key finding was that while more than 50% of crypto users express a high level of confidence using web3 products, only 27% regularly use added security measures. This points to the importance of further education on existing security measures.

Looking ahead, what trends or innovations in the crypto industry do you believe will be most significant in attracting the next wave of users, and how is WalletConnect positioning itself to capitalize on these trends?

In other findings from the WalletConnect Pulse, the top 3 crypto experiences consumers are looking for currently include the desire for more NFTs, more web3 social and messaging avenues, and more community and governance models. While this report only boasts one sample size, it is a useful metric to gauge what future developments may arise in the future of blockchain technology.

WalletConnect is continuously seeking new ways to simplify the adoption of blockchain technology by increasing the use of more familiar language. As the Web3 space remains fairly young in comparison to Web2, there exists too much technical jargon which can overwhelm the crypto curious. At WalletConnect, we strongly believe that the adoption of the new internet requires a solid focus on user experience (UX). As we improve said UX, we believe that the education for both developers and users will be easier to digest.

Can you discuss any recent updates or upcoming features for WalletConnect that users should be excited about? How do these enhancements contribute to the overall mission of simplifying crypto interactions?

WalletConnect 刚刚启动了一项计划,即将推出 WalletGuide 和 WalletConnect 认证功能,将于 9 月上线。这是一项行业首创、以社区为中心的计划,旨在展示符合最高 UX 和安全标准的数字钱包,为用户和开发人员提供以安全性、功能和质量著称的钱包的综合目录。我们的一些初始合作伙伴包括 MetaMask、Trust Wallet、Kraken、Ledger、Magic Eden、1inch、OKX、Crypto.com 和 Bitget 等顶级品牌。预计在 9 月平台发布之前,将有更多钱包加入。

自今年年初以来,我们一直在朝着我们的目标迈进,即将 WalletConnect 网络发展为由基础设施提供商社区运营的完全无需许可的网络。


此外,WalletConnect 网络在过去五年中超越了其最初的目标,在之前没有的地方建立了互操作性路径。如今,6,000 多个应用程序和 600 多个钱包的数百万用户现在能够可靠、安全地连接和体验 web3。我们的去中心化路线图的更多更新将于 9 月发布。

标签:加密 加密货币 OG 加密

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