
Vitalik Buterin 谈论以太坊的未来、加密社区的可扩展性等

Time:2024-07-13 Click:64

AltLayer Rollup Day 的气氛充满期待。本周三,开发人员、投资者和区块链爱好者齐聚布鲁塞尔,热切讨论可扩展解决方案的未来。这次活动充满了机遇和创新,是名副其实的创新和交流的大熔炉,证明了去中心化梦想的持久魅力。

此次活动的主要嘉宾 Vitalik Buterin 在台上展示了​​他对各种主题的专业知识。Buterin 以其标志性的技术深度和深刻的远见深入探讨了一系列主题,强调了区块链技术的不断发展。他不仅重申了人们已经走过的道路,还大胆开辟了新道路,揭示了有可能重新定义区块链格局基础的概念。系好安全带,因为 Buterin 揭示的内容有可能重塑区块链格局的结构。

Vitalik Buterin 主题演讲:深入加密货币领域

小组讨论的发起者 Vitalik Buterin 分享了对以太坊生态系统的一些见解。用他自己的话说,这不应该感觉像是跳到 40 个不同的区块链。相反,它应该结合 2015 年以太坊的便利性,同时努力领先于竞争对手。他提出了一个简单的解决方案来实现他的目标。

尚未开发的潜力:Vitalik 对更精简、更高效的 L2 的愿景

Vitalik Buterin 表示,长期以来,互联网的加密领域一直由博彩业主导,因为该行业拥有极高的收入,并且能够支付高得离谱的拍卖费。后来,他谈到了自己在加密货币市场上下注的经验,他意识到转向第 2 层显著降低了行动成本和各种其他与 gas 相关的问题。Vitalik Buterin 表示,有了这种低费用的基础设施,生态系统可以更加繁荣,因为特定应用程序之间的差距比以前要小得多。

但他并没有止步于此,他说这一原则需要进一步推进十倍甚至一百倍。他认为,通过关注数据压缩等被忽视的领域并恢复 Plasma 等较老的概念,我们可以显著提高 L2 效率。

Vitalik 描绘了一幅交易大小大幅减小的图景,通过签名聚合和状态压缩等技术,交易大小从臃肿的 190 字节缩小到 25 字节。这意味着数据占用空间显著减少了 6 倍,凸显了当前 L2 架构的巨大改进空间。

He further champions the revival of Plasma, not just for its scaling capabilities but also for its potential to bring much-needed privacy to L2s. Projects like Intmax, with its hybrid Plasma roll-up approach, serve as a beacon for this renewed interest, demonstrating how minimal on-chain data can be achieved without sacrificing user privacy.

Vitalik urges us to move beyond the hype and focus on the fundamentals: better transaction data compression, smarter execution environments, and a willingness to re-examine previously discarded solutions. He believes this holds the key to unlocking the true potential of L2s and driving mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Reimagining the User Experience: From Clunky Deposits to Seamless Cross-L2 Interactions

Vitalik Buterin describes this issue this way: imagine a city with three distinct public transportation systems: the train, the subway, and the bus — all require different tickets. This is what, Vitalik says, handicaps the ecosystem as a whole. While expressing the inconvenience with the system, Vitalki also notes that this can permanently reduce the amount of U.S. dollars on the market.

He advocates for a future where interacting with various Layer 2 networks feels as intuitive as using Ethereum did in its early days.

He begins by dissecting the cumbersome process of depositing funds on platforms like Polymarket, comparing it to the user-unfriendly experience of interacting with government bureaucracy. He then contrasts this with a vision of effortless cross-chain transactions using intuitive address formats like ERC-3770. He argues that This new standard eliminates the need for users to be aware of different L2 networks, allowing for seamless transfers and a smoother onboarding experience.

Vitalik then delves into the evolving world of account abstraction, highlighting its journey from enabling advanced features like multisig wallets to surprisingly encompassing concepts like paying transaction fees with stablecoins like USDC. He praises standards like ERC-4337 and EIP-7702 for unifying these diverse use cases, paving the way for a more versatile and user-friendly Ethereum ecosystem.

Ultimately, Vitalik’s message is clear. We should move beyond the technical intricacies and prioritize user experience. By simplifying complex processes and embracing standards that promote interoperability, we can unlock the true potential of blockchain technology and make it accessible to a wider audience.

Striking a Balance: Navigating the Tightrope Between Self-Custody and Security

Vitalik Buterin 不仅指出了当前加密安全领域的缺陷,还进行了更深入的挖掘,剖析了阻碍广泛采用强大安全措施的心理障碍。他巧妙地运用了幽默,将极端的自我托管解决方案比作埋藏神秘合金守护的宝藏,强调了它们对日常用户的不切实际。相反,他警告不要被中心化平台所诱惑,把它们比作魅力人物,尽管外表看起来很有魅力,但可能会导致灾难性的后果。

Buterin 对多重签名钱包的倡导不仅仅是技术优势。他认识到真正的安全在于平衡用户控制和风险缓解。他生动地描绘了多重签名如何通过其分布式密钥管理充当安全网,在我们成为诈骗、设备故障或健忘的受害者之前抓住我们。



Vitalik Buterin 谈论以太坊的未来、加密社区的可扩展性等内容最先出现在 Metaverse Post 上。

标签:以太坊 加密 以太 以太坊

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