
BTC Price Increase: Analysis of Investor Behavior and Turnover Rate Trends

Time:2024-04-06 Click:123

While this increase may be affected by the pressure brought by the price increase, which has caused some losing investors to choose to leave, even so, this group of investors only accounted for 5% of the total turnover rate today, indicating that the departure behavior is still relatively rare. It is worth noting that the ratio of profitable chips to losing chips in the turnover rate is about 6:4, and the gap is not very different. It is particularly noteworthy that the#BTCholdings that have recently bottomed out at a cost of around $65,000 have become the main force of departure, accounting for 46% of the total turnover rate, showing that the proportion of BTC held in the early stage is gradually decreasing.

This trend reaffirms our previous view that more and more investors are calm about the current price, especially profit-taking investors. Even though the BTC price climbed to nearly $69,000, the number of investors who chose to leave did not increase, but decreased. Most investors seem to prefer to wait for the upcoming halving cycle. From the current comprehensive situation, the turnover rate is slightly active when the BTC price rises, and the turnover rate is lower when the price falls to around $65,000. Now, it has become extremely difficult to force most investors to surrender by smashing the market, because the halving cycle is just around the corner.

According to the data of the exchange, as of 1 a.m. Beijing time, there was no obvious sign of selling pressure in the after-hours trading of the U.S. stock market. At the same time, the selling pressure of less than 3,000 BTC transferred into the U.S. stock market before the market has been basically digested. The total inventory of#BTCin the exchange has once again hit a new low in nearly six years. Although this does not directly prove that the BTC price will continue to rise, it does show that more and more investors are beginning to be reluctant to sell their chips. #SHIB #Meme #WIF


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