
Altcoin Correction: Chain Gaming Sector Included! Leeks Beware!

Time:2024-03-12 Click:74

Most of the altcoins have made a correction today, and the chain gaming sector is no exception! Some leeks are going to cry for their fathers and mothers again! Who asked you to chase the highs! You don’t build positions at low positions, and they have pulled several waves. You rushed in and the dog farm didn’t wash you. Whose! In the eyes of some leeks, as long as you buy it, you can't tolerate a correction. In fact, no coin can go straight up like a rocket. There will always be a correction after profit taking, just like ygg, which has already pulled so much? Isn’t it normal to let the car become lighter and continue moving forward during a callback? But don’t be afraid of Brother Lie cheering you up. As long as you don’t act arrogantly, you won’t lose money if you don’t get kicked off by Gouzhuang!


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