
Data Shows Early Investors Leaving Market as BTC Breaks $60k

Time:2024-02-29 Click:122

The data in the last 24 hours clearly shows that early investors are showing signs of leaving the market. I think this situation is very normal when#BTCbreaks through 60,000 US dollars. My friends still remember that I always like to use positions Investors’ data for more than a year is used to judge bullishness. Starting from January 25, this data has already shown that it has entered a bull market. However, the judgment was affected because of the availability of spot ETFs at that time. After all, GBTC held a large BTC position. Some are more than a year old.But now the sales of GBTC have been much lower, and the departure of long-term holders continues to increase, and this data is a sign of entering a bull market in history, and this has not yet halved, and there is no general election in the United States. If If there is no correction, then there is no telling where the price of BTC will reach when it reaches its low point this year.


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