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文章《可以带来改变生活的回报的山寨币》首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上




BlastUP 预售:Blast 生态系统中的第一个 Launchpad 已上线!

BlastUP 是 Blast 的开创性启动平台,Blast 是尖端的第 2 层解决方案,在短短 35 天内锁定的总价值已迅速达到 10 亿美元。

BlastUP 站在金融技术的最前沿,倡导“增长更快,赚得更多”的座右铭。

通过细致的项目筛选,BlastUP 确保只有最高质量的项目才能进入其生态系统。


BlastUP 代币预售正在进行中,随着每个新阶段的进行,其价值都会增加。

当前价格锁定为 0.04 美元,而 DEX 上市价格将为 0.1 美元。

这将带来高达 250% 的投资回报率,因此现在是以 60% 折扣的最优惠价格购买 BlastUP 代币的最佳时机。

立即抢购 BlastUP 代币以获得最大回报!

随着 BlastUP 不断前进,它仍然致力于为 Blast 社区创建一个全球中心,支持早期初创公司。

凭借以社区为中心的方法和创新动力,BlastUP 正在迅速获得关注,造福该生态系统的所有参与者。

BlastUP 的路线图延续到 2026 年,承诺引入人工智能驱动的工具和社区市场,进一步丰富生态系统的功能。

BlastUP 代币是该平台的基石,可解锁分层 IDO 发布、质押奖励和独家忠诚度福利。

抓住机会,通过 BlastUP 更快成长并赚取更多!

SEI 提议的以太坊 NFT 标准可能引发重大市场转变

SEI 最近提出的统一以太坊 NFT 标准的提议可能会导致市场发生重大转变。

当前价格为 0.80 美元,低于 0.96 美元和 1.27 美元的阻力位,这种情况意味着长期上涨。

在表明买入的 100 天简单移动平均线的支撑下,新颖的标准化可能会引起人们的极大兴趣,从而推动价格上涨。

Conversely, short-term indicators paint a cautious picture. With the 10-day Simple Moving Average suggesting sell, the price may hover around $0.80. Critics may argue that the proposed unifying standard may not be widely adopted, adding to uncertainties. Support levels at $0.45 and $0.25 should be observed, with choppy movements anticipated in the interim. Should the initiative fail, the price may succumb to downward pressures.

Ondo Finance’s Integration into Aptos Could Boost Price Points Amid Market Risks

The integration of tokenized treasuries by Ondo Finance onto Aptos speaks well for its upward momentum. Current price points of $0.39, with resistance levels as high as $0.48, could see further elevation in the short-term driven by this strategic move. Signs like RSI’s neutral stand and 10-day SMA’s buy suggestion support this optimistic forecast.

However, while present developments manifest the potential for profitability, it’s vital to note that risks can never be fully negated. For instance, Ondo’s price may also experience downward pressure towards its $0.06 support level, mirroring a cautious long-view market sentiment resulting from the inherent volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. Despite the general MACD buy suggestion, market corrections can always turn the tide.

Arbitrum’s project in cinema: growth catalyst or potential risk?

The Arbitrum ecosystem, with its deep involvement in underpinning a movie project in an intriguing alignment of blockchain solutions and the cinematic world, may well offer a unique catalyst for growth. The current price of $1.78, while down slightly from the 10-day average, could be a springboard for upward momentum, moving to surpass resistance levels at $2.28 and potentially even $2.80, setting the stage for significant long-term rise. Despite the current neutral position, the solid support at $1.37 and $0.98 provide a stable bedrock for probable long-term value increase.

On the other hand, the convergence of the entertainment industry with blockchain initiatives, carries potential risks too. The current “sell” indicators from MACD and SMA-10 days might show a hint of caution to those considering Arbitrum. A lower price point could occur in the short term, especially if the support levels of $1.37 and $0.98 are breached, a scenario that would temporarily reverse the current upward trajectory. Despite these immediate risks, however, the stigma around crypto investments could be mitigated over time as these technologies permeate mainstream sectors such as film-making.


虽然 SEI 提出的以太坊 NFT 标准、Ondo Finance 与 Aptos 的整合以及 Arbitrum 进军电影摄影领域都具有变革性回报的潜力,但人们的注意力仍然集中在 BlastUP 上。

鉴于其包罗万象、以社区为中心的方法、创新功能以及在蓬勃发展的 Blast 生态系统中的作用,该代币有望带来可观的前景。

通过强调项目质量并通过其代币提供独特的优势,BlastUP 为可观的增长奠定了基础,使其在山寨币的动态格局中具有引人注目的前景。



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