
Trading Mindset: Achieving Balance and Success in the Market

Time:2024-02-12 Click:135

{The idea of ​​trading puts yourself in this state}In transactions,In addition to technology,It’s more about money management,Funds will be managed,Ignore the technology.At this time, those who take Bitcoin contracts,Spot ignored,Long orders cannot be added to positions.​It is necessary to reduce the position appropriately (the increase or decrease of the position is usually near the previous high or the previous low),It is best to light the warehouse,Because I’ve earned thousands of points,​Or set a stop loss and win (zky),Take-profit can be triggered during a pullback.{Three Hundred U Account} I only have 0.1 of the 0.4 big pie contracts.​The rest,I’m happy with the big rise,​I am happy even if I fall sharply,Happy whether it rises or falls,​Trading also requires finding a way.Let your mind be in this state.TRADINGMINDSETACHIEVINGBALANCEANDSUCCESSINTHEMARKET


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