Time:2024-01-23 Click:128
中国的加密禁令势不可挡! 人们在小吃摊和咖啡馆“实物”购买硬币
尽管中国已经正式禁止加密货币多年,但仍然无法阻止国内民众对加密货币的兴趣。 投资者试图通过各种线下交易规避国内监管。
逐渐减少! 中国加密货币监管史
随着比特币的发展,中国对加密货币的态度也逐渐开始收紧。 尽管就全球比特币开采和交易的比例而言,中国拥有全球最多的参与者,但政府也对这些去中心化代币相关的潜在风险持谨慎态度。
第 1 步:减慢比特币交易速度
2013年,中国人民银行率先发出“禁止金融机构使用比特币等虚拟货币进行交易”的规定,希望减缓比特币交易的速度。 然而,当时中国人仍然可以购买、持有或发送加密货币。
In 2017, the cryptocurrency bull market ushered in, and initial coin offerings (ICOs) also set off a wave of craze at that time. However, due to the lack of regulation at the time, many ICOs were scams. As a result, China has once again tightened restrictions on cryptocurrency transactions, classifying ICO as "illegal public financing," which is an illegal activity, and then denying the function of cryptocurrency as a "currency."
China classifies ICO as "illegal public financing" and then denies the function of cryptocurrency as a "currency".
ICO is actually a method in the Web3 industry to raise funds for projects by selling the team's blockchain tokens to early supporters.
Step Three: Complete Blockade
In 2021, China officially banned all cryptocurrency transactions. Not only did it ban all cryptocurrency trading and mining activities, but cryptocurrency exchanges no longer allowed Chinese to register accounts. Whether it is users sending cryptocurrencies, or businesses and banks accepting tokens such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, it is illegal.
Cryptocurrencies are banned and mining operations are outflowed on a large scale
One of the direct consequences of China’s cryptocurrency ban is the massive exodus of mining operations.
China was once known as "the world's largest mining country", accounting for more than 75% of global mining production capacity at its peak in 2019. However, after the government issued a ban, China’s computing power share decreased month by month, even falling to 0%. In order to find an environment more friendly to cryptocurrency, miners have moved to the United States, Canada, Kazakhstan and other countries to seek asylum.
With the withdrawal of Chinese miners, global computing power dropped sharply, which not only affected the security and stability of the blockchain network, but also led to the reorganization of the global mining industry. Many companies that make and sell mining hardware have also been hit hard by falling demand and regulatory uncertainty for blockchain-related businesses.
One of the direct consequences of China’s cryptocurrency ban is the massive exodus of mining operations.
However, after a period of time, miners lurking in China seemed to hide their traces and continue to mine underground through evasive means such as overseas agency services and geographical dispersion. China's share of the global mining industry has soared again.
According to statistics from BanklessTimes, China accounts for 21% of the overall Bitcoin mining industry, but its dominance no longer exists. The United States has now become the largest producer, accounting for 38% in total.
尽管中央持续打击加密货币相关活动,但加密货币社区顽强的精神正在通过不同渠道寻找新的生存和发展模式。 新的地缘政治发展和法规将如何进一步影响全球加密货币的发展还有待观察。
参考资料: cryptorank、coindesk、cryptoslate
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