
Top Coin Picks to Watch in Q1-Q2 2024 for Potential Growth

Time:2024-01-15 Click:130

FALLS DOWN BUT STILL MAINTAINS THE POSITION, IF YOU ARE NOT IN STOCK, CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING NAMES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF 2024!This is my follow list for Q1-2/2024, everyone can refer to it:1) New coin list: ACE, NFP, CYBER, WLD ... XAI the other day MancBTC shill 1 new shot x2 so ignore it for now2) Old layer like $SOL SOL, HST is explodingAvax please pay attention to Atom is staked3) Narrative still has 3 old ones, the new ones are skipped because time is too limited to cover them all- ecosystem: LSD LSDfi EigenLayer, Swell;- AI- Games4) New layer expects Zksync, Monad...5) NFT is also a niche that is making a comeback and is expected to explodeHow about you? Share with me in the comments belowTOPCOINPICKSTOWATCHINQ1Q22024FORPOTENTIALGROWTH


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    Fork、Soft fork和Hard fork它们有何不同?


    如果您正在研究或投资加密货币市场,您一定听说过 Bitcoin、Ethereum、Litecoin 等的 Soft fork、Hard fork 更新。您有没有想过 Fork 是什么,就让我通过下面的文章来带您了解一下吧!在区块链中,“分叉...

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