Time:2023-12-30 Click:119
对于大多数加密货币来说,2023 年伊始都是积极的。 去年,大多数加密货币在遭受重创后,都走上了复苏之路。 然而,与历史高点相比,加密货币价格仍然较低。
今年上半年,加密货币的价格经历了过山车般的波动。 另一半会是缓慢增长还是加密货币会达到新的高度并完全从去年面临的损失中恢复过来?
加密货币市场从左向右摆动,在有限的范围内舒适且曲线平滑。 2022 年 FTX 的影响震动了市场并使其下行。 今年,以太坊和比特币等主要加密货币在宏观经济形势宽松和通胀降温的帮助下逐渐转绿。
尽管如此,市场情绪已慢慢从恐惧转向贪婪,然后转向中性。 这就是加密货币市场的本质,即高度波动且不可预测。 由于美国通胀及其对流动性的影响,加密货币上个月显示出稳定的迹象。
美联储加息的立场让加密货币市场发生了翻天覆地的变化。 比特币在 2023 年 7 月突破 31,000 美元的水平,并在 2023 年 8 月再次跌至 27,000 美元的低点,但在 10 月份出现了巨大的复苏,达到 34,495 美元的水平。 这让加密货币投资者感到困惑和紧张。
目前数字加密货币市场规模为 412.1 亿美元。 然而,如果我们谈论世界上最大的加密货币,比特币和以太坊直到上个月都位居榜首,并显示出复苏的迹象。 截至 2023 年 10 月 31 日,比特币的交易价格为 34,497 美元,以太坊的交易价格为 1,808 美元。
加密货币专家认为,当前形势严峻,复苏遥遥无期。 大多数加密货币的价格都远远落后于历史最高点。 如果我们以比特币为例,它仍然比 2021 年 11 月的历史高点 60,000 美元下跌了 50%,而以太坊目前的价格为 1,800 美元,2021 年的历史高点为 4,000 美元。
迄今为止,加密货币市场无疑对全球金融的不确定性做出了积极反应,并且在信贷紧缩和债券市场波动不稳定的情况下仍然保持强劲。 加密货币不能单独航行,为了平衡的氛围,所有其他金融资产都必须遵循同样的情绪。
The year 2023 gave a fresh start to the crypto world, showing positive signs of recovery. Crypto investors believe that in situations like this, investing in stable digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum in SIP format is a safe choice. Crypto experts consider that in the overall portfolio, investors should just look at investing just the 5% exposure to cryptocurrencies. The most important part is to invest only a miniscule amount and not all your life savings as the market is highly volatile and there are chances of you losing it all.
Step 1: Select a cryptocurrency: Choose a cryptocurrency you wish to invest in. Like any other asset class, crypto has its own fundamentals and different blockchain networks back them, intrinsic value and mining techniques. Make sure that you research and analyze before investing as the crypto market is highly volatile.
Step 2: Select a crypto exchange: After you made up your mind about a cryptocurrency it’s time for you to find a perfect crypto exchange platform for yourself. It is a necessity to have a functional account in a crypto exchange which will help you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.
Step 3: KYC: Once you select a crypto exchange you need to register yourself by providing personal details like name and address and complete the entire KYC formalities. After setting up your account you’re ready to invest in cryptocurrency.
Step 4: Choose payment mode: For buying a cryptocurrency you need to select a payment option that you find comfortable. You can choose peer-to-peer, bank transfer, online payment mode or a crypto wallet.
Step 5: Purchase cryptocurrency: After adding the funds to your account you can smoothly buy your selected cryptocurrency. All you have to do is press on the “buy” tab and you can easily buy the cryptocurrency of your choice.
Step 6: Storage: After you purchase the crypto coins, don’t forget to store your currencies securely because they are not regulated and you must keep them safe as there’s always a risk of hacking or theft.
Step 7: Selling cryptocurrency: This is as important as buying as this helps you make money out of investing. You can sell the cryptocurrency the same way you purchased it, just click on the tab “sell” in your portfolio. You can fully or partially sell your crypto investment based on your choice but don’t forget to timely book your profits.
It is a wise choice to observe the crypto market prudently with the uncertain environment and slow recovery of macroeconomic situations in the world. Do not make any reckless decisions as it is a good time to observe the market closely and analyze it.
One may never know, but the observation will eventually help the investors to make smart decisions and might have a favorite digital asset at a fair value, once the chaos situation fizzes out completely.