MKT is the application equity token of the Business Chain platform. By using MKT tokens, individuals can purchase various services and goods provided by the Business Chain platform at a preferential price, such as issuance fees, advertising fees, promotional commissions, and service fees, among others. As the MKT ecosystem develops, it will seek to incorporate payment, commodities, and supply chains into the alliance, paving the way for data exchange and supply chain transformation within enterprises.
In the future, as the MKT ecosystem becomes more sophisticated and the technological feasibility improves, MKT will achieve cross-chain certification with other value chains, such as the gaming, retail, real estate, and chain store industries, creating a larger-scale blockchain ecosystem.
合约交易实际上在其它行业早已已经发生,仅仅虚拟货币合约交易是近几年来才刚刚盛行,因为虚拟货币合约交易能运用杆杠变大资产,也可以开展T 0双向交易,能够买涨买跌,因此很受币市投资人的追捧,但合约交易标准也比较多,针对币市初...