
[喜悦]支持 XRP 的律师迪顿回应呼吁参议院反对沃伦

浏览:141|时间:2024-01-06 08:58:42

最近 Politico 的一份报告强调,缺乏强有力的共和党竞争者来挑战以对加密货币持批评态度而闻名的参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦 (Elizabeth Warren),XRP 社区因此陷入了热议。

XRP 社区成员 Eri (@sentosumosaba) 敦促著名支持 XRP 的律师约翰·迪顿 (John Deaton) 与沃伦参议员竞选马萨诸塞州的美国参议院席位,从而引发了一股热情。

据《Politico》报道,目前还没有新的挑战者能够取代参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦 (Elizabeth Warren)。

@JohnEDeaton1 有能力翻转这个席位沃伦“反加密军团”没有机会对抗亲加密军团


请表现出您的支持并分享...图片。 twitter.com/RCCUGhThNB

— 🪝Crypto Eri 🪝Carpe Diem (@sentosumosaba) 2024 年 1 月 4 日

Eri 提议迪顿参选的推文在加密货币社区中迅速获得了关注,并得到了知名人士的支持。

Ripple 首席执行官布拉德·加林豪斯 (Brad Garlinghouse) 转发了 Eri 的帖子,标志着业界的重大认可。

此外,支持 XRP 的法律界关键人物律师杰里米·霍根 (Jeremy Hogan) 团结起来支持这一想法,鼓励迪顿接受挑战:“快跑约翰,快跑!”


作为 XRP 的倡导者,迪顿经常强调沃伦的行为,将她标记为对美国公民自由的重大威胁。


Pro-XRP 律师 Deaton 响应号召

迪顿通过 X 回应了他的候选资格。




The lawyer elaborated on his critique of Warren’s policies, particularly on poverty and income inequality. He shared his personal experiences and views, contrasting them with what he perceives as Warren’s failures to address the wealth gap. “In 12 years as a Senator, she has done NOTHING to help reduce income inequality,” Deaton asserted.

Focusing on Warren’s recent legislative efforts to impose restrictions on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Deaton expressed strong disapproval: “Elizabeth Warren claims to be for reducing income inequality yet her answer to the problem is to ban the number one appreciating asset the world has ever seen.” He further criticized her stance as counterproductive to the creation of new accredited investors and detrimental to individual financial autonomy.

Delving deeper into his potential policy positions, Deaton spoke about the need for tax reform and the importance of accessible investment opportunities for average Americans. He criticized the current accredited investor rules, which he feels disproportionately favor the wealthy and well-connected. “You build wealth by owning appreciable assets. How do you get appreciable assets in regular people’s hands? By allowing much more access to those assets and markets,” Deaton argued.

Deaton also addressed Warren’s stance on other key issues, such as abortion and women’s rights, expressing his support for these rights and readiness to engage in a broader political debate. He stated, “I have three daughters and I’m incapable of supporting anything that would strip away or infringe on their rights or freedoms.”

Furthermore, Deaton brought up Warren’s record on corporate accountability, contrasting her actions with his own career of litigating against corporations for harmful practices. He challenged her record, stating, “Warren pounded the table outraged that no banker went to jail after causing the financial crisis of 2008. Those same bankers now write her bills.”

Will Deaton Challenge Warren?

In response to a comment by Neil Hartner, senior staff software engineer at Ripple, who stated, “Running as a Republican in possibly the most Democratic state; You’ve fought harder fights,” Deaton highlighted the unique political landscape of the state. He pointed out, “Regardless of who runs, [...] here’s the truth: 60% of registered voters in Massachusetts are not enrolled in either party [...] Massachusetts has the highest percentage of independent voters than any state in the country.”

Amidst the buzz, a crucial piece of information remains uncertain: whether John Deaton is considering a candidacy against Senator Elizabeth Warren. As of now, Deaton has not confirmed his intentions to take up this political challenge. However, it is evident that his potential entry into the race would not only be a pivotal moment for the entire crypto space and one heck of an event to watch.

At press time, XRP traded at $0.5649.


XRP 价格跌破 200 日均线,1 日图表 |

来源:TradingView.com 上的 XRPUSD


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