The quick contract feature ensures 100% fast market opening and also achieves zero slippage in opening and closing positions. The bonus mode offers comprehensive airdrops and operates in the same way as real contract trading. Users can earn profits through various growth tasks and engage in investment trading. Additionally, users are granted the privilege of an anti-liquidation mechanism and there is a risk reserve of 50 million USDT, which allows them to minimize losses in extreme market conditions, making it the best choice for users in futures trading.
USDT 是一种用于交易和支付的便捷货币。通过在加密资产和法定货币之间移动,交易者可以确保自己的头寸并留在加密市场。USDC 也用于交易,但 USDT 具有更高的交易量和流动性,允许在加密资产和稳定币之间进行更多的转移。...