Now let's explain the AC reward system in detail:
Level 1: Holding 100 AC coins - Directly refer 1 person with a total holding of 1000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 20% of the daily minting amount from the first generation
Level 2: Holding 200 AC coins - Directly refer 3 people with a total holding of 3000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 15% of the daily minting amount from the second generation
Level 3: Holding 300 AC coins - Directly refer 6 people with a total holding of 10000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 10% of the daily minting amount from the third generation
Level 4: Holding 500 AC coins - Directly refer 10 people, with one of them being in Level 3 and their network having a total holding of 30000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 3% of the daily minting reward from the 4th to 30th generations
Level 5: Holding 1000 AC coins - Directly refer 15 people, with one of them being in Level 4 and their network having a total holding of 100000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 5% of the daily minting reward from the 4th to 30th generations
Level 6: Holding 3000 AC coins - Directly refer 15 people, with one of them being in Level 5 and their network having a total holding of 1000000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 7% of the daily minting reward from the 4th to 30th generations
Level 7: Holding 5000 AC coins - Directly refer 15 people, with one of them being in Level 6 and their network having a total holding of 3000000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 9% of the daily minting reward from the 4th to 30th generations
Level 8: Holding 10000 AC coins - Directly refer 15 people, with one of them being in Level 7 and their network having a total holding of 5000000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 11% of the daily minting reward from the 4th to 30th generations
Level 9: Holding 30000 AC coins - Directly refer 15 people, with one of them being in Level 8 and their network having a total holding of 10000000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 13% of the daily minting reward from the 4th to 30th generations
Level 10: Holding 50000 AC coins - Directly refer 15 people, with one of them being in Level 9 and their network having a total holding of 30000000 AC coins - Reward: Receive 15% of the daily minting reward from the 4th to 50th generations
Note: 1. If there is a tie, both individuals and their direct referrals reaching Level 4 will receive an additional 1% bonus. 2. Bonus burning: The highest level can receive a maximum bonus of up to 10 times their investment. For example, if your account holds 100, you can receive a maximum bonus of 1000 for directly referring others.
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