
破解RTX30限制挖矿算力 神秘作者携闪电逃离

浏览:146|时间:2023-07-04 03:18:14
NVIDIA RTX 30 series graphics cards have all been upgraded to the LHR version, which limits Ethereum mining performance. However, it was easily cracked by a mysterious individual, resulting in almost double the mining power.

The cracking software, named NVIDIARTX LHR v2 Unlocker, supports all models of RTX 30 and RTX 30 LHR, and even includes support for RTXA series professional cards. It claims to be the first fully automated BIOS modifier for RTX graphics cards, with automatic backup capabilities.

Furthermore, the cracking process is reversible and does not cause any hardware damage.

Tests have shown that the unlocked mining performance is significantly improved, especially for RTX 3080 LHR, which went from 58MH/s to 100MH/s.

However, just as mining enthusiasts were celebrating and players were expressing their discontent, the situation took a sudden turn.

On the evening of February 23rd, the author of the cracking software released a beta version link without any explanation, but quickly deleted the project. Currently, the link is unavailable with a 404 error, and the author's personal GitHub account has been deactivated.

Previously, the author had mentioned that a beta version would be released on the 26th, but it seems unlikely now.

Could it be that they were caught in the act?

挖矿 算力 闪电

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