
新闻:Katy Perry(水果姐)竟然也涉足区块链技术!

浏览:208|时间:2023-06-21 20:07:08
Katy Perry, also known as the "Fruit Sister," is a Grammy-winning artist and one of the most popular female singers in America. She grew up in a Christian family and was exposed to gospel music from a young age, singing in church and listening to gospel music as she grew up. As she got older, she became fascinated with the music of Alanis Morissette and Freddie Mercury. At the age of 16, she recorded a gospel record under the name "Katy Hudson" for Red Hill Records. At 17, under the guidance of music producer Glen Ballard, she began learning songwriting, which led to her leaning towards pop music.

Recently, Katy has found an interest in investing, but not in stocks. She has invested in the encrypted music platform Audius Music. So what is an encrypted music platform? It is a platform where anyone can publish original works and engage in copyright transactions by selling their rights to anyone. It is not limited to complete songs; it can be a beat, a piano accompaniment, or even a recorded voiceover.

In a way, it's similar to NFT for music. It's a blockchain-based music streaming platform that creates an exclusive platform for musicians and fans, offering unique music content. All content, information, and data are stored and indexed by third-party node operators. In addition, the platform has its own economic system.

Katy Perry is said to be a highly sought-after investor among young entrepreneurs because of her aggressive investment style. She invests in companies that have the potential to grow thousands or even tens of thousands of times, and she is willing to take high risks. Currently, Audius has reached 6 million monthly active users, with an industry valuation of $50 million.

Katy has invested in 100 companies and hopes that one of them will return her investment a thousand or even a million times, becoming a top global company. She doesn't care if the other 99 companies end up failing because she believes that as long as she makes one successful bet, she will recoup her investments from all the others.

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos, if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform that only provides information storage services.

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