Bitcoin Core represents a return to the core values of Bitcoin. BTCC is an open-source, peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It is a fork of Bitcoin (BTC). The true vision of BTCC is to celebrate Bitcoin and run in parallel with it as a fast lane for core values, speed, and privacy.
4月8日,10只BTC现货ETF资金净流出2.2384亿美元,对应今晚(4/9)美股开盘后ETF托管地址净流出约3122个BTC:◎ 流出:灰度(GBTC)流出约 4,232 BTC(相当于 4 月 8 日流出 3.03...
CCData 最新报告显示,币安巩固了其在加密货币市场的领先地位,在过去六个月中占据了现货总交易量的 27.7%。在排名前十的现货交易所中,币安的表现超越了所有竞争对手,其交易量份额超过了其他主要交易所。总体而言,其他交...