
TRMX 币表现如何?TRMX 币是否还会继续上扬?

浏览:67|时间:2025-01-29 19:10:14

The TourismX project represents a revolutionary concept for the rapidly growing global tourism industry. Its innovative financing system creates a win-win situation for every stakeholder.

The TourismX project is supported by the renowned World Tourism Forum Institute and World Tourism Fund and Investment (WTFI) holding company, in partnership with global visionaries from around the world.

The TourismX project generates funds through the TRMX token, which is then invested in promising tourism projects carefully selected around the world. Once all of these projects become profitable, a portion of the profits (up to 50%) will be used to buy back TRMX tokens from the market and lock them in the treasury, reducing the number of tokens in circulation. This is designed to have a positive impact on the price of the TRMX token.


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