The Hash Speed (THS) is the first quantum mining technology to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) integration technology, which brings about a new innovation in the bitcoin mining industry. It uses a highly optimized system to utilize the maximum speed of the mining machine (miner) to generate an incredible mining output and generate可观的bitcoin through mining rewards and mining network fees. We generate the maximum bitcoins every day as mining expenditures.
11 月 3 日,去中心化电子协议签署平台 EthSign 宣布推出了一款可帮助项目方管理代币分发及解锁的新产品 TokenTable。Ethsign 是一个去中心化的电子协议签署平台,支持用户以电子方式签署和管理协议,...
在Web3时代,写签署协议的方式也多种多样,我看了一个EthSign Signatures Beta版,以我粗略的浏览看,这个方式实现了与Web2电子签名平台几乎达到相同的功能、用户体验和法律效力,同时利用区块链的力量来...