Ethereum HD (Ethereum Coin, abbreviation: ETHD) is a new type of cryptocurrency based on Ethereum (abbreviation: ETH). Its main feature is to use the hard disk as a consensus participant, build a blockchain underlying architecture and digital resource distribution protocol, support third-party developers to build their own applications on its open source protocol, and form a complete ecosystem of blockchain technology and applications with many industry partners. It also docks various media resource application scenarios, including text, pictures, music, videos, software, etc., to provide a direct connection platform for information creators and consumers.
如果盘点过去一个月最最出圈的加密货币,除了 Doge 狗狗币,它的「仿冒项目」 SHIBA INU(SHIB)必须榜上有名。 Coin9币久行情显示...
什么是以太坊经典?最初的以太坊代币 Ethereum Classic 于 2015 年在以太坊智能合约平台上首次亮相。这样做是为了让程序员可以轻松使用该应用程序并提高安全性。以太坊起源于以太坊经典的硬分裂,于 2016 ...
一、整体概述在最近一次以太坊核心开发者共识会议上,以太坊基金会研究员兼拟议变更的主要支持者 Michael Neuder 提出,将每个验证者的最大验证者余额从 32 ETH 提高到 2, 048 ETH。他说,虽然目前的...