
PROPS 币是什么?PROP 币今天的价格行情怎么样?

浏览:90|时间:2025-01-19 15:00:14

The propland project will offer holders an unprecedented passive income opportunity. We have developed a novel proprietary process that enables investors to earn investment returns based on the value of our real estate transactions. With this passive income system, investors will be able to view ongoing and upcoming transactions - and observe the increase in the value of their Propland tokens.

Propland Tokens will be used as a payment method for various functions on the platform and as a fee mechanism for our DeFi features. Proland Tokens can also be earned rewards in the Proland Token Staking Vault and provide access to features such as the governance protocol and the BUSD Vault.

props 今天 价格 行情 PROP

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