Clinical Trials Intelligence (CTi) is an expandable blockchain platform designed for clinical trials, serving as a single source of information for clinical trials and the pharmaceutical industry, and is widely adopted by relevant stakeholders in this ecosystem. CTi aims to revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry by applying predictive analytics, machine learning, and the utilization of blockchain technology and smart contracts in clinical trials.
Currently, the world is facing a major issue of finding solutions to the novel coronavirus, and the launch of CTi occurs at a historical moment when the entire world is focused on clinical trials in the search for vaccines.
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12月4日中午,虚拟货币再度集体“闪崩”。比特币下午暴跌 1 万美元,24 小时跌幅超过 20%。据《证券时报》最新数据显示,过去24小时内,共有41.7万人平仓,全网数字货币合约平仓量已达2< @5.84 亿美元...
在虚拟货币交易市场上,经常陷入币圈(Coin Circle)世界的交易员通过长期的交易经验积累了自己的交易技能,从而降低了犯错误的成本。接下来,财富论坛将向您展示六种虚拟货币交易技能。我希望你能在区块链交易所的交易过程中...