Litecoin Proof of Stake (Litecoin PoS - LTCP) represents the first integration of two of the most significant technological achievements in the world of cryptocurrency - Litecoin and the Proof of Stake mechanism. Currently, Litecoin core continues to utilize the Proof of Work mechanism, which is a slower consensus algorithm, beneficial for preventing 51% attacks, but it is characterized by high mining costs, environmental harm, and poor scalability. However, Litecoin boasts numerous unique innovations that need to be preserved, such as its 84 million-token supply model and its validated codebase developed by many of the world's most important software engineers and cryptographers.
合约交易实际上在其它行业早已已经发生,仅仅虚拟货币合约交易是近几年来才刚刚盛行,因为虚拟货币合约交易能运用杆杠变大资产,也可以开展T 0双向交易,能够买涨买跌,因此很受币市投资人的追捧,但合约交易标准也比较多,针对币市初...