
DMCH 币表现如何?DMCH 币当前行情如何?

浏览:61|时间:2024-12-21 07:00:14

Darma Cash (DMCH) was launched in 2019 with the aim of becoming a cutting-edge new generation of anonymous blockchain based on Monero (XMR). DMCH adopts a Block DAG block ledger with PPoS, and integrates private addresses, hidden financial data, masked identities,无痕 IP, private smart contracts, and DeFi/DEX on the privacy framework of Monero. The goal of the DMCH project is to establish a decentralized distributed privacy community ecosystem on the DMCH blockchain. DMCH introduces the core concept of Pooled PoS (PPoS), which means decentralized PoS without node restrictions, aiming to achieve high-speed private global SDWAN by expanding PPoS nodes. The goal of DMCH is not only cryptocurrency, but also to become a decentralized dedicated Internet.

行情 DMCH 前行 行情 表现

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