The Tron Society is composed of a group of busy individuals who collectively pursue the goal of expanding the community through various initiatives and projects to bring the blockchain closer to a wider audience.
We chose the term "society" because it represents an augmentation of society. We aim to expand the community to such an extent that it becomes known to everyone, and at the very least, they will have heard of it.
Our Tron Society (TSY) token is designed to serve the Tron Society, acting as a means of support in the realization of their plans and goals. Additionally, the Tron Society will incorporate the TSY logo into its future projects, thereby creating added value for it.
伴随着近些年中国对虚拟货币管控更加严谨,2021年火币公布撤出中国销售市场,各种交易中心也陆续发布消息取缔内地用户,下边汇总一下中国还有哪些虚拟货币交易中心。币圈交易所3大平台交易1. 火币火币在2021年以前是虚拟货币...