BlackNet (BLN) is an account-based, infinitely scalable proof-of-stake network developed by the author of BlackCoin, Rat4. The mainnet went live on December 22, 2018. BLN is committed to developing the scalability of blockchain public chains, and can operate on the TOR I2P anonymous network. In the later stage, it will be equipped with zero-knowledge proof technology, with anonymous features. Atomic swap code has been deployed, and cross-chain decentralized trading will be realized in the future.
BLK TOKEN全名为BLACKROCK TOKEN,是BlackRock贝莱德基金发行的加密数字货币。BlackRock是投资领域的巨额,全球最大的资产管理公司。2022年初,BlackRock推出现货比特币私人信托...
由于比特币 [BTC] 市场刚刚开始复苏,闪电网络的LND 节点遇到了一个重大错误。虽然网络受到了这个错误的影响,但应该注意的是,这是该网络在不到一个月的时间内遇到的第二个错误。该漏洞进入 LND 节点,迫使其运营商在 ...