Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA) is a hard fork of Bitcoin Cash.
On November 15, 2020, Bitcoin Cash underwent a hard fork upgrade, splitting into a new token. Due to the fact that the Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) proposal received the support of a large number of users, BCHN will inherit the naming, K-line, and relevant trading pairs of BCH.
The other chain, Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA), will distribute its token to BCH users in the form of a "sugar-coated pill" in a 1:1 ratio.
如果盘点过去一个月最最出圈的加密货币,除了 Doge 狗狗币,它的「仿冒项目」 SHIBA INU(SHIB)必须榜上有名。 Coin9币久行情显示...
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