Baccarat (BGV) is a DeFi liquidity mining project, and BGV is a newly issued DeFi dedicated token on the NGK.IO blockchain system.
Baccarat aims to provide users with a secure and reliable decentralized exchange. It operates through a decentralized smart protocol, and there is no need for any trust cost in transactions. Market makers provide the liquidity of the reserve pool at current ratios, and users can perform fast flash swaps through the reserve pool. The transaction fee will be returned to the liquidity providers as a reward, and the reward mechanism will attract more liquidity providers to participate.
Through Baccarat transactions, it will drive the flexibility of user transactions, simultaneously lock in the total value of the reserve pool (TVL), and through liquidity trading, participants can also earn BGV token mining rewards, realizing a more fair and transparent token allocation mechanism, allowing all participants to analyze the price changes of BGV tokens based on the liquidity reserve pool.
In the Baccarat system, only supply and demand determine the market price. There is a dynamic balance algorithm in the Baccarat contract, which will calculate the ratio of the trading pair according to the proportion pool, and determine the amount of the output currency through the change in the ratio, while completing a new round of valuation.
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