Bitcoin Interest (BCI) is a highly competitive investment-type cryptocurrency that focuses on three areas: technology, community, and savings. Our blockchain features a new type of integrated savings technology that allows users to safely store their currencies and earn interest income without having to transfer them from their wallets.
Bitcoin Interest ("BCI") is a highly competitive investment-type cryptocurrency that focuses on three areas: technology, community, and savings. Our blockchain features a new type of integrated savings technology that allows users to safely store their currencies and earn interest income without having to transfer them from their wallets.
Bitcoin Interest is the first fully decentralized interest-paying platform that uses advanced interest-paying technology, allowing users to deposit their currencies in their wallets and receive interest payments without having to delegate their currencies to anyone else.
The Bitcoin Interest platform uses the latest technology and focuses on fast, frictionless transactions. The Bitcoin Interest platform can process multiple transactions per second and reduces the bottlenecks and latency issues of traditional Bitcoin versions.
In order to build a viable and powerful ecosystem, miners must be treated equally and with respect. The Bitcoin Interest platform uses an enhanced Proof of Work ("PoW") Equihash algorithm, and it has a lower initial mining difficulty compared to other bitcoins that allow for higher yields in the community. By using GPU mining, this will make the entire network more decentralized as no small miners will be excluded. The Bitcoin Interest platform aims to reduce the advantage of professional hardware miners (such as ASICs) in commodity hardware setups.
The use of advanced savings technology ensures that currency holders can safely deposit their currencies in their wallets. Users can earn interest payments in Bitcoin Interest ("BCI") currency form weekly or monthly, without the risk of losing their BCI currency holdings.
How It Works
User wealth is stored in Bitcoin, meaning they miss one of the most important benefits of traditional banking: interest payments. Users can now earn interest payments in a decentralized manner by having Bitcoin Interest ("BCI") currency deposited for a period of time. Here's how it works:
1. Interest Pool - Each Bitcoin Interest ("BCI") block has two rewards; miners who participate in solving a block can earn 12.5 BCI coins, and an additional 1.08 BCI coins are generated and sent to the interest pool to support interest payments. This is the "enhanced Proof of Work" Equihash algorithm. The rewards of this interest pool will start at 1.08 BCI coins and decrease to 0.54 BCI coins as the block height increases. This setup ensures that participants who choose to deposit BCI currency can continue to receive interest payments.
2. Interest Rate - The best part about the Bitcoin Interest ("BCI") platform is that there is no fixed interest rate. The interest rate depends on two things: the amount of BCI currency you deposit and the amount of other BCI currency deposited during your active interest cycle. After your currency is deposited, the system continuously checks to ensure that the currency is deposited throughout the interest cycle. At the end of each cycle, the system will proportionally distribute the balance of the interest pool to the depositors. For example, if I'm准备要在整个利息时段内存放 100 枚 BCI 货币,且总量是 1000 枚 BCI 货币,那么一旦生息时段结束,我将收到利息池余额的 10%。
3. Two Interest Cycles - On the Bitcoin Interest ("BCI") platform, users can choose interest cycles of either the whole week or the whole month to deposit or claim their share in the collective interest pool. When a user decides to deposit BCI currency, they need to agree that they cannot remove their currency before the end of this round. If the user decides to remove their BCI currency before the end of this round, they will not receive an interest payment. Each block solved generates 12.5 BCI coins to reward miners, and an additional 1 BCI coin is added to the interest pool to pay interest. The interest cycle of one week is paid using 30% of the balance of the interest pool, while the interest cycle of one month is paid using the remaining 70% of the balance.
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