The Sparkpoint ecosystem is a groundbreaking payment gateway alternative that not only provides convenience to the market but also educates people about financial knowledge, fulfills entertainment needs, and rewards users. Featuring an all-in-one network and mobile application that integrates the use of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies using blockchain technology. Through the Sparkpoint ecosystem, people can now settle utility and credit card bills, pay for tuition, insurance, and online purchases, remit fiat and digital currencies, and pay government-mandated taxes, licenses, and transactions in a clean, transparent, and fast manner.
The SparkPoint Token (SRK) is an ERC20 token based on the ETH blockchain, designed to support four different platforms within the Sparkpoint ecosystem: SparkX, SparkPlace, Sparkplay, and SparkRoom, namely digital wallets, e-commerce platforms, cryptocurrency gaming platforms, and e-learning portals.
伴随着近些年中国对虚拟货币管控更加严谨,2021年火币公布撤出中国销售市场,各种交易中心也陆续发布消息取缔内地用户,下边汇总一下中国还有哪些虚拟货币交易中心。币圈交易所3大平台交易1. 火币火币在2021年以前是虚拟货币...