
PRIX 币表现如何?PRIX 币的当前现金价格是多少?

浏览:45|时间:2024-11-22 07:40:19

The Privatix project aims to create a market for demanders and suppliers of idle network traffic, and the Privatix network is built on a large number of network participants; there are two parties set up on the Privatix network, the agent selling broadband and the customer buying broadband, and the customer pays the agent in the form of tokens; thereby leveraging the advantages of blockchain technology to build its own decentralized and autonomous network, improving the efficiency of Internet users, addressing network security issues and the challenges of Internet censorship, and reducing the cost of virtual private networks.  

A decentralized and 100% autonomous P2P network VPN powered by the first Internet bandwidth market through its own encrypted economic Blockchain. Any user can sell their spare or idle Internet broadband network and receive encrypted immediately for it. These fees come from buyers, who purchase bandwidth through third-party applications or directly.

Application Scenarios

The mission of the Privatix network is essentially to create a market for the purchase and sale of network capacity. The network is based on the principle of leveraging broadband from many network participants. Worldwide, there are many users who have direct access to the Internet and idle resources, such as mobile networks on mobile phones, wired networks on personal computers and laptops, and dedicated uplinks in data centers on servers.

In the Privatix network, users who sell broadband are called agents; they also engage in direct rental of their resources. The network participants who purchase broadband are called customers. Customers can be third-party applications and other agents on the network. In the Privatix cryptocurrency economy, mutual payments between customers and agents will be in the form of tokens.

1. Sale of excess traffic. Any user can sell excess or idle Internet traffic to the network and receive an encrypted code payment immediately. The buyer purchases the bandwidth directly or through a third-party application and pays.

2. Practical VPN network.

现金 现金价 金价格 PRIX 现金价格

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