Proton (XPR) is a novel public chain and smart contract platform designed to enhance consumer applications and peer-to-peer payments. Proton focuses on the construction of security authentication and financial settlement layers, enabling users to link non-monetary accounts with real identities, access funds, purchase cryptocurrencies, and seamlessly use this cryptocurrency within applications. XPR is the token of the Proton chain, and Proton is an integration of the Lynx wallet and the Metal payment project, i.e., Lynx + Metal = Proton.
合约交易实际上在其它行业早已已经发生,仅仅虚拟货币合约交易是近几年来才刚刚盛行,因为虚拟货币合约交易能运用杆杠变大资产,也可以开展T 0双向交易,能够买涨买跌,因此很受币市投资人的追捧,但合约交易标准也比较多,针对币市初...