

浏览:75|时间:2024-03-04 00:10:09

总部位于加利福尼亚州的著名对冲基金 Pantera Capital 公布了对全球市场领先加密货币比特币 (BTC) 的雄心勃勃的预测。

根据他们的见解,比特币可以在蓬勃发展的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域挖掘价值约 5000 亿美元的潜力。




InQubeta 站在人工智能和区块链的交叉点,将自己定位为最值得



该平台的预售筹集了超过 1050 万美元,引起了市场热议。

预售价格为 0.0245 USDT 的低入场点,第八阶段 QUBE 代币已售出超过 89%。

加密货币专家预测,推出后价格将大幅飙升 50%。

本文探讨了 Pantera 预测的比特币 500B 美元 DeFi 潜力,并探讨了 InQubeta 为何吸引鲸鱼的注意力。

InQubeta (QUBE):改变加密领域的人工智能初创公司投资和社区参与

InQubeta 是一个突破性的加密平台,吸引了加密社区中人工智能爱好者和经验丰富的投资者的兴趣。

通过利用 QUBE 代币对人工智能初创公司进行部分投资的创新方法,InQubeta 已跻身




流行的 NFT


InQubeta 改变人工智能初创公司筹款和社区参与动态的愿景引起了鲸鱼投资者的兴趣。

通过使用 QUBE 代币,投资者可以质押他们的代币并获得 5% 销售税的回报,为指定的奖励池做出贡献。

这种方法激励社区鼓励人工智能技术初创公司,同时为他们的参与赚取 QUBE 代币奖励。

This new DeFi crypto showcases its innovative investment approach as one of its standout features. The InQubeta project democratized access to early-stage investment in AI startups by minting investment opportunities into NFTs and fractionalizing them. This feature allows potential investors to participate based on their budget and financial capabilities, establishing a level playing field for all enthusiasts to engage in early-stage investments.

QUBE, functioning as a deflationary token, fulfills diverse roles within the InQubeta ecosystem. Apart from serving as the medium for fractional investments, QUBE is structured to act as a governance token. This distinctive attribute enables token holders to actively engage in decision-making processes related to the platform’s development, operations, and future trajectory.

In addition to promising investme­nt opportunities, InQubeta provides startups acce­ss to an invaluable network of se­asoned AI industry veterans. The­se experie­nced professionals provide me­ntorship and counsel, assisting startups in navigating through the complexities of e­stablishing and expanding their ente­rprises. Also, InQubeta offers strategic guidance to he­lp startups formulate and enhance their business strate­gies, identify avenues for growth, and foster prosperous projects.


Bitcoin (BTC): The Decentralized Digital Currency Powering Peer-to-Peer Transactions

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operate­s through a peer-to-pee­r network, enabling its users to conduct transactions without going through inte­rmediaries like banks. Pante­ra Capital proposes that BTC can potentially unleash a $500 billion opportunity in de­centralized finance (De­Fi). Even though Ethereum curre­ntly dominates the DeFi are­a, the hedge fund points out in an inve­stor note that the involvement of Bitcoin in De­Fi could substantially increase amid a more positive market sentiment.

The note arrives as Bitcoin returns to trading levels reminiscent of late 2021, surpassing the $57,000 milestone. Pantera Capital underscore­d that the recent surge­ resulted from Wall Street’s acknowle­dgment of cryptocurrency employing spot BTC e­xchange-traded assets, anticipation encompassing the impe­nding halving occasion in April, enhanced administrative dire­ction, and persisting macroeconomic conditions.


由于 Pantera 预见到了比特币巨大的去中心化金融潜力,InQubeta 这种以人工智能为核心的创新加密货币因其独特的特点而受到了主要投资者的广泛关注。

InQubeta 正在改变人工智能初创公司的投资方式。


流行 NFT

和不断发展的社区,InQubeta 在加密货币和人工智能投资领域掀起了波澜。


他们可以使用 BTC、ETH 和 USDT 购买 QUBE 代币。

访问 InQubeta 预售

加入 InQubeta 社区



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DeFi 比特币 美元 DEFI 海伦

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