
[海伦]MiCA 和商家对加密支付行业信任度的提升——有可能吗?- 日常

浏览:88|时间:2024-03-01 12:58:05


HodlX 访客帖子


随着 MiCA(加密资产市场监管)的推出,欧盟准备迈出重大一步。



MiCa 生效后,我们可以预期低风险企业启用加密支付的意愿将大幅上升




但在 MiCA 之前,欧盟的加密支付监管环境是各国法律和解释的混合体


德国的 BanFin、法国的 AMF、荷兰的 DNB 和 AFM、西班牙的 CNMV、意大利的 CONSOB、马耳他的 MFSA 和爱沙尼亚金融情报机构。



MiCA 监管将帮助加密支付领域的企业解决这些问题,并通过在每个国家/地区办理护照办理流程,为其客户提供无缝服务。




在 FTX 丑闻崩盘之后,监管机构在全球范围内执行加密货币监管的紧迫性变得更加紧迫,当时加密货币市值暴跌,于 2023 年 11 月 9 日跌至 7,360 亿美元的两年低点,并开始缓慢复苏。很久以前。

The investors appeared to be unprotected while the industry proved itself as not as reliable as it needs to be to bring its solutions to the masses.

No doubt, there’s always been an issue of credibility of the sector not only for investors but also for financial institutions like banks that don’t properly work with the players and often deny opening bank accounts due to the lack of the required transparency and control over the industry.

However, the lack of trust in the crypto domain as a common phenomenon also affects consumers, merchants and payment service providers’ willingness to use, accept and provide new channels to operate money.

Consumers don’t express the demand for crypto payments and don’t consider this payment method as a competitive advantage that would make them choose a store with crypto payments over a store with traditional payment options only.

Merchants do not need to spend time and effort on implementation to enable something that wouldn’t impact their position in the market.

The crypto industry is expected to regain trust and create a basis for the integration of crypto as an everyday payment habit.

Once it happens, the demand for crypto payments will be dictated by the end consumer who after expressing overall interest in the crypto sector will need to make a step forward and find further implications of crypto in real life.

Crypto.com in its report stated that the global number of crypto owners soared by 34% and reached 580 million despite the economic crisis and other macro headwinds.

With these numbers at hand, we understand that crypto payments will soon become a competitive advantage that businesses will be integrating for greater retention, and MiCA regulations will strengthen this trend.

Stablecoins are the clearest means of payment for low-risk industries – strict regulations will propel their use for everyday purchases

A lot of attention is given to the process of regulation of stablecoins, especially EMTs (e-money tokens).

EMT, the value of which is supposed to mirror the value of an official currency, makes it easier for consumers to use it for everyday payments.

The overall rise of the stablecoin economy indicates that a growing interest of investors is already here.

Over the last month, stablecoins capitalization surged, experiencing a $4.9 billion growth between December 30, 2023, and January 30, 2024.

Stablecoins’ potential has long been a subject of interest for the EU parliament.

In 2021, among all the advantages of stablecoins, they stressed the ease of public access, the implication of stablecoins in overseas payments to reduce the processing costs, their use in international trade to reduce fees and increase speed and the creation of faster and inclusive global payment arrangements.

At that time, there was no universally accepted regulatory framework that would ensure customer protection and the required level of transparency.

MiCA 的监管将通过确保电子货币代币可以随时以支持代币的货币价格免费兑换,从而明确价格形成和消费者保护问题。

这将刺激更多人采用 EMT 进行日常支付。


尽管 MiCA 监管框架是迈向更安全未来的一步,但加密货币和公共部门都应平等参与 MiCaR 条款的实施。


Max Krupyshev 是 CoinsPaid 的首席执行官兼联合创始人,CoinsPaid 是为在爱沙尼亚注册的企业提供的加密支付解决方案。

Max 于 2013 年进入加密世界,站在乌克兰这个市场的起源,成立了比特币基金会,以促进该国加密货币的采用。

作为 CoinsPaid 的首席执行官,他为公司设定了成为加密货币和传统业务之间的连接纽带的目标。


MiCA 后和商家对加密支付行业信任度的提升——有可能吗?

首先出现在 The Daily Hodl 上。

加密 加密支付 支付 加密 海伦

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